Population Studies (Epidemiology)
The problem, though, is that these are population studies.
I would think that it's a problem without substantiation in large population studies.
Other pharmacokinetic data e. g., results of population studies performed within clinical trial s.
Population studies have linked the consumption of tea with a reduction in risk for several types of cancer.
A number of population studies have revealed that moderate drinkers of red wine have less heart disease than non-drinkers.
Those researching social science, economic and population studies thought more about factors such as society, the economy and culture.
Large population studies might also be able to look at how combinations of factors — like low Apgar score plus a family history of ADHD — come into play.
Two population studies also found that Asia women with early-stage breast cancer (stage one and stage two) who drank three to five cups of green tea per day didn't have as many RECURRENCES.
对亚洲两成女性的调查发现那些每天喝3- 5杯绿茶的早期乳腺癌患者(阶段一和阶段二)不容易出现复发症。
Population studies such as EPIC, the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer, identified a strong link between eating lots of fibre and a lower risk of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.
The report, to be released Friday, analyzed data and existing studies of health, disaster, population and economic trends.
But, they point out, the same association between performance and mortality risk was seen in the grip strength studies, which included a younger and presumably healthier population.
Population-based surveillance studies using laboratory-confirmed cases were sought for each incidence group by a computerized search of the scientific literature.
In some studies, the risk in these groups is four to five times higher than in the general population.
Extensive studies in the affected population are continuing to determine the long-term human health effects from this incident.
In my experience, the only thing we've seen these growth patterns [in] before is in population growth studies - where there's some sort of resource constraint that results in this model.
Studying a large population tends to give a more accurate result than studies of smaller places such as Scotland, parts of Italy and New York state, where more impressive reductions have been claimed.
Modelling studies suggest that school closure has its greatest benefits when schools are closed very early in an outbreak, ideally before 1% of the population falls ill.
Several large studies of drinking in the general population show that some patterns clearly pave the way for future problems.
American studies suggest that between 40 and 60 per cent of the population suffers from mental illness in any one year.
Scientific evidence on the distribution of cancer in the population can be obtained through carefully planned and executed epidemiological studies.
About 1000 turtles live in the region that he studies; the population near JFK is 10 times that.
Four were cohort studies in which a healthy population was genetically screened at the outset and followed for 15 years to see who developed breast cancer and who did not.
"I don't think the timing is right to start to scare the population, but I think it's important to focus on this and continue with studies," she says.
Studies have shown that entrepreneurs of all types are more prone to it than the general population.
Are the people measured in these studies representative of the general population?
Roughly three-quarters of the US population growth that did occur over the past decade was due to immigrants, according to an analysis of census data by the Center for Immigration Studies.
Most studies could not quantify disease frequency in the general population as they are hospital-based and confounded by variations in threshold and the rate of hospitalization.
Most studies could not quantify disease frequency in the general population as they are hospital-based and confounded by variations in threshold and the rate of hospitalization.