So if we can inverse the distribution of pore throat or the capillary pressure curve by the pore and permeability data of the core?
Permeability of rocks has direct relations with the size and distribution of pore throat, which is determined through the capillary pressure curve.
The case calculation indicates that the nonlinearity of the flow has an important role in the distribution of pore pressure.
Based on capillary pressure theory, the accumulation and distribution of hydrocarbon in inhomogeneous sandstone reservoir with complicated pore structures were analyzed.
Therefore, when we study the distribution of the stress in the dam body, we will consider both the action of pore water pressure and the action of flow drive force.
The fractal dimension of pore structure and size distribution are studied based on the capillary pressure data.
The program is utilized to calculate soil rocks dam free surface position variation and pore-water pressure distribution condition with time when the up water level position changed.
Active automatic uniform distribution viscous acid unblocking technique used in high temperature and pressure fracture -pore reservoir oil well was reported.
The results show that at pure hydrogen atmosphere, the uniformity of pore size, spatial distribution of pores and pore-cells increases with hydrogen pressure.
The results show that at pure hydrogen atmosphere, the uniformity of pore size, spatial distribution of pores and pore-cells increases with hydrogen pressure.