In port oil remover can not be at will used. If use, should get the approval of port authorities in advance.
"This makes a lot of sense for rail and industrial companies or port authorities that have a large energy usage as well as huge land holdings," he says.
Airline industry and port authorities around Asia are monitoring arriving passengers, hoping to detect, and isolate, anyone infected with swine flu, which broke out in Mexico in recent weeks.
It left the port not far from the Sino-Russian border without permission from Russian authorities last Thursday and was chased by a cruiser, the newspaper said.
Ivorian authorities say gunmen seized a Nigerian-own tanker off the port of Abidjan as it was preparing to unload fuel.
Port management authorities shall draft collection standards for the handling expenses in the foregoing paragraph and submit them to the industry competent authority for approval.
Article 10 a port general plan shall be drawn up by the port administration authority after consulting with the relevant departments and the military authorities concerned.
All categories of port management authorities shall install reception facilities for the pollutants in the foregoing paragraph and may collect necessary handling expenses.
All categories of port industry competent authorities shall provide guidance for pollution abatement in the port zones under their jurisdiction.
The development enterprise may construct and operate a special port area and wharf in accordance with the unified planning of the competent state communication authorities.
If the entry port is not the destination where the goods would be used, the goods shall be supervised and inspected by the inspection and quarantine authorities of the destination sites.
If the entry port is not the destination where the goods would be used, the goods shall be supervised and inspected by the inspection and quarantine authorities of the destination sites.