As part of an implementation of the portfolio management approach in the organization, the portfolio assessment effort is the first project or initiative undertaken.
The completion of a portfolio assessment provides the foundation for the next stage of the implementation of portfolio management practices.
The second collection of practices in the Portfolio Management method, Execution and Validation, is the second part of the overall portfolio assessment effort, which is summarized as follows
Portfolio Management方法中第二个实践集合,即执行和验证,是整个项目组合管理工作中的第二部分,如下文所概括的
The second collection of practices in the Portfolio Management method, Execution and Validation, is the second part of the overall portfolio assessment effort, which is summarized as follows
Portfolio Management方法中第二个实践集合,即执行和验证,是整个项目组合管理工作中的第二部分,如下文所概括的