Add the portlet container and portlet window.
The portlets are initialized when the portlet container loads it.
The portlet is initialized when the portlet container loads it.
当portlet容器装载这个 portlet 时对它进行初始化。
During request handling, the portlet container calls the portlet's.
At this point you can use a mock portlet container to test the portlets.
This article shows you how to administer the portlet container and installed portlets.
portletUnit is used to test JSR-168-compliant portlets outside of a portlet container.
Log in and navigate to your server, such as server1, and then to the Portlet container.
In the JUnit tests, you need to configure the mock portlet container to run the portlets.
Next, you dive into the caching capabilities of the portlet container and individual portlets.
Portlets themselves are managed by a portlet container. The main features of portlets include.
Pluto's simple portal component is built only on the portlet container and the JSR 168 requirements.
Pluto的简单门户组件是建立在Portlet容器和JSR 168需求之上的。
User actions are forwarded from the portal to the portlet container for the corresponding portlet.
用户操作将从门户转发到相应Portlet的 Portlet容器中。
You can configure the portlet container using either wsadmin or the Administrative Console. Part 1
The desktop client provides a portlet container to run portlets that support the JSR 168 specification.
桌面客户机提供一个portlet容器,它用来运行支持JSR 168规范的portlet。
It has a J2EE Web and portlet container to enable running these traditionally server-based interfaces locally.
The application is a JSR 168 based portlet, hosted on Tomcat 5.0.30 running the Jetspeed 2 portlet container.
这个应用程序是一个基于JSR 168的portlet,它驻留在运行Jetspeed2 portlet容器的Tomcat5.0.30上。
Session state represents data that is kept on the server with a limited lifetime managed by the portlet container.
In this article, we'll show you how to write a simple portlet and test it against the Pluto portlet container.
在本文中,我们将为您演示如何编写简单的portlet并使用Pluto portlet容器测试它。
Apache Pluto is the reference implementation for JSR 168. It is a portlet container that implements the portlet API.
ApachePluto是JSR 168的参考实现,是实现了portlet API的portlet容器。
The portlet window and portlet container microformats can contain object IDs, which the server can handle dynamically.
portlet窗口和 portlet容器可以包含对象IDs,服务器可以动态地处理它。
The portlet container provides a couple of additional performance metrics very similar to the servlet metrics. These are
Finally, rendering is started by the layout system, and the portal calls the portlet container for each portlet on the page.
The portlet container issues a process action call to the portlet, and the portlet processes the action and changes its state accordingly.
该Portlet容器向 Portlet发出处理操作调用,Portlet处理该操作并相应地更改其状态。
The portlet container calls the render method of the requested portlet, and the portlet renders its markup fragment into the output stream.
The specification was developed to provide interoperability for running portlets on any vendor's implementation of the JSR 168 portlet container.
此规范的作用是提供在JSR 168portlet容器的任何供应商实现上运行portlet的互操作性。
A portlet container manages a portlet's life cycle and provides a run time environment for portlets implemented according to the portlet API.
The portlet container and VMM is not currently integrated, because this type of complex capability needs to be provided through a portal framework.
The Pluto project provides a portlet container runtime environment, as mandated by the specification, in which portlets can be instantiated and managed.
Next you need to create the required folder structure for your WAR file, which is the archive by means of which you deploy portlets to a portlet container.