Create and configure a Portlet Factory project.
创建和配置Portlet Factory项目。
WebSphere Portlet Factory provides the functionality to configure the description of a field.
WebSpherePortlet Factory提供了配置字段描述的功能。
WebSphere Portlet Factory runtime runs in the portal server as a common dynamic Web application.
WebSpherePortlet Factory运行时可以在门户服务器中作为公共的动态web应用程序运行。
This document will be updated periodically and the Portlet Factory development team welcomes your Suggestions.
本文档将进行周期性的更新,Portlet Factory开发团队欢迎您提出建议。
This article described how to implement a configurable user interface using WebSphere Portlet Factory dynamic profiles.
本文描述了如何使用WebSpherePortlet Factory动态概要来实现可配置的用户界面。
If you have the products, but have not already installed Portlet Factory, you can follow the instructions in Appendix a.
如果您已经有了这些产品,但是尚未安装Portlet Factory,则可以按照附录a中的安装说明进行安装。
With WebSphere portlet Factory dynamic profiles, you can develop a centralized portlet to provide a configuration user interface.
使用WebSpherePortlet Factory动态概要,您可以开发一个集中式的Portlet以提供配置用户界面。
Tip: in order to ensure several portlets can use the same profile set, integrate them in the same WebSphere portlet Factory project.
提示:为了确保多个Portlet能够使用相同的概要集,可以将它们集成到相同的WebSpherePortlet Factory项目中。
You can either use a standard builder (the Portlet Factory provides more than 70 builders out-of-the-box) or write your own builder.
可以使用标准构建块(Portlet Factory提供了70个即时可用的构建块)或编写自己的构建块。
For example, the WebSphere Portlet Factory dynamic Profiles feature can provide a degree of dynamic configurability in the user interface.
例如,WebSpherePortlet FactoryDynamicProfiles特性可以在用户界面中提供一定的动态可配置性。
The dynamic profiling capability of WebSphere Portlet Factory helps developers to create multiple, highly customized applications from one code base.
WebSpherePortlet Factory的动态概要分析功能可以帮助开发人员从一个代码库创建多个、高度自定义的应用程序。
In this Part 8, you learn how to implement, manage, and specify WebSphere Portlet Factory profiles for multiple tenants in a composite application for banking.
在第8部分中,您将了解如何为一个用于银行业务的组合应用程序中的多个承租者实现、管理和指定WebSpherePortlet Factory概要。
WebSphere Portlet Factory is a comprehensive portlet development environment that automates the process of creating, deploying, and maintaining SOA-based portlets.
WebSpherePortlet Factory是综合性 Portlet开发环境,可以自动执行创建、部署和维护基于 SOA的Portlet 的流程。
In addition, IBM introduced the WebSphere portlet Factory this year which provides a rapid application development alternative to help developers rapidly develop portlets.
此外,IBM还在今年推出了WebSpherePortlet Factory,提供了一个快速应用程序开发备选方案来帮助开发人员快速开发Portlet。
With WebSphere Portlet Factory dynamic profiles, configuration of Web applications becomes very easy and powerful, providing configuration capability without writing code.
使用WebSpherePortlet Factory动态概要,Web应用程序的配置变得非常简单、且功能非常强大,无需编写代码就可以进行配置。
While the same functionality can be created by writing code, WebSphere Portlet Factory provides a set of builders that enable the implementation of this function without writing code.
尽管通过编写代码可以创建相同的功能,但是WebSpherePortlet Factory提供了一套Builder以支持在不编写代码的情况下实现相应的功能。
Using portlet services requires that you register the service with the portal server by mapping the service and implementation class, and associating the service with a factory.
Using portlet services requires that you register the service with the portal server by mapping the service and implementation class, and associating the service with a factory.