Wang Wen, China's leading post rock band.
The former soldier has become so homesick he has spent recent days watching videos of Australian rock bands and of the Last Post [on Remembrance Day on Wednesday] via YouTube.
But although guitarist Joe Perry described the Abu Dhabi concert as "one of the best shows of the year", Tyler wasn't feeling the love in a post-gig interview with Classic Rock magazine.
尽管吉他手乔佩里(Joe Perry)说阿布扎比演唱会是“本年度最佳演出之一”,泰勒在演出后接受《经典摇滚》杂志(Classic Rock)的采访时,却没有感到音乐会受到欢迎。
Post rifting regional uplift resulted in low maturity of source rock and wide difference from each other.
The complete stress-strain curve of rock could be divided into pre-failure and post-failure regions according to the peak stress.
A rustic rock post topped with a Crafts-looking lantern serves to light the entry of a wooded driveway.
The bored cast in place concrete piles embedded in rock were used in the main structure. The post grouting prestressed pipe piles adopted in the design were the first time applied in the karst area.
The envelopes of softening curves for post yielding of rock mass materials are also presented to give the complete computational model.
A city of western Arkansas on the Oklahoma border west-northwest of Little Rock. It was founded as a military post in 1817. Population, 72,798.
A city of western Arkansas on the Oklahoma border west-northwest of Little Rock. It was founded as a military post in 87. Population, 72,798.
The bored cast in place concrete piles embedded in rock were used in the main structure. The post grouting prestressed pipe piles adopted in the design were the f...
The geochemical data shows that the rock mass is similar to post-collision type granite.
Analytical solutions of axial, lateral, circumferential and volumetric strains, and post-peak Poisson's ratio of rock specimen subjected to shear failure in uniaxial compression are proposed.
Rock types of the post-collisional granitoids in Miaoergou, West Junggar, include K-feldspar granite, hornblende monzogranite and granodiorite.
Rock samples show a large amount of AE events in the post-peak region for both loading and loading-unloading processes.
To improve the control sensitivity is helpful to obtain complete load-displacement curve of rock specimen, but if can't change the stability of post-fa...
Combined with regional data, the rock formed in the collision of post-orogenic extensional tectonic setting are post-orogenic granite.
This post is as steady as a rock.
While many artists have been labeled as being post-rock, its usage is still controversial among critics who maintain that the term is too broad and outdated.
Because of the force of erosion and collapsing, the rock gradually is changing into huge post-like shape, thus helps the come-into-being of the imposing queer peaks and valleys.
A monstrous debut of intense post-rock noise. It's a dramatic record that will shake your bones.
So to help clear some of the confusion as to what this genre is, I thought I 'd list my favorite albums that I would describe as being post-rock.
In triaxial compression, an expression for the post-peak slope of differential stress-strain curve of rock specimen that is composed of the material with different grain diameters is proposed.
But given the mediocre quality of the post-'70s material, maybe the Photograph's biggest detraction is its focus on hits that are just as easily available on classic-rock radio.
But given the mediocre quality of the post-'70s material, maybe the Photograph's biggest detraction is its focus on hits that are just as easily available on classic-rock radio.