Amin believes there is no corner of the world that can resist the charms of a Frito-Lay potato chip.
Just five one-hundredths of an inch thick, light golden in color and with a perfect "saddle curl," the Lay's potato chip seems an unlikely weapon for global domination.
Their diet contains a lot of fat in the form of potato chip…
So the next time you savor a new candy or potato chip, thank the flavorists.
I also went grocery shopping today, and resisted the candy and potato chip aisle.
Think twice about discarding goods like old potato chip canisters and coffee tins.
THE LEFT SIDE of Margaret Herring's skull looked like a potato chip crushed by a hammer.
Have you ever eaten a casserole made completely with canned ingredients and a potato chip crust?
Chip Sandwich, New Zealand. Potato chips between two slices of bread and tomato sauce. Carbohydrate overload.
Hirsch explored the impact of smell, taste and eating behaviors while watching TV by measuring potato chip consumption.
The world's first advert to extra-terrestrial life is to be broadcast, a British potato chip company announced recently.
Amazons in particular, often become junk-food junkies, almost instinctively recognizing potato chip bags and pizza boxes.
If two of your guests get in a fight, or someone happens to choke on a potato chip, no amount of careful planning will help.
I looked down to see what could have caused such controversy. To my horror, a large potato chip was resting neatly on my left shoulder.
The SNAP of a potato chip, the crackle of a breakfast cereal, and crunch of celery are textural characteristics, but we also hear them.
Before the presentation, Walter from Microsoft smiles his steam shovel jaw like a marketing tool tanned the color of a barbecued potato chip.
在展示会之前, 沃特尔,微软顾问,象一个涂着烧烤土豆片颜色的销售机器,熟练的冲着我微笑.
If you want to learn about the fastest computer chip available, you might end up getting responses instead about potato chips being delivered in fast trucks.
Potato chip bags may soon be made from recycled potato peelings in a move by the UK's largest potato chip manufacturer, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.
Keep your hands in an unclenched fist, with your fingers lightly touching your palms. Imagine yourself trying to carry a potato chip in each hand without crushing it.
Take the simple act of eating a potato chip. In a series of experiments, Gilbert invited Harvard undergraduates to a lab stocked with potato chips, along with either sardines or chocolate.
Don't worry about having the occasional green potato chip, but do discard any potatoes that have green eyes, sprouts, or greenish skins, rather than prepare and serve them, especially to children.
I brush some potato-chip crumbs off my lap.
It is very important to develop desirable genes that control chip color from wild diploid species in potato breeding programs.
They're super easy to make, and they'll crush a potato-chip craving for a fraction of thecalories.
Do you want boiled potato or chip with your steak?
Someone posted a nice potato-chip (" potato crisp "for the UK crowd) shaped wheel that looks like it had this problem.
Someone posted a nice potato-chip (" potato crisp "for the UK crowd) shaped wheel that looks like it had this problem.