The new work does go further than previous research and suggests that screen time should still be considered a potential barrier to young people's flourishing.
The blue detuned laser beam is physically equal to a quantum potential barrier.
Electrons from the metal will have to surmount the potential barrier to enter the semiconductor.
The results show that:the potential barrier is directly determined by channel over pinched-off factor;
In this paper, the reflexed coefficient of potential barrier of period is calculated by the method of character matrix.
PPD makes the critical radius and the potential barrier of nucleation of wax crystal increase, and makes the separation of wax from waxy oil difficult.
It has shown that less 1, 2-unit content corresponds to lower potential barrier of internal rotation and hence to lower energy of rotational isomerization.
In this paper, a model of potential barrier acted on molecules during the microwave-assisted extraction of resveratrol from polygonum cuspidatum is developed.
Using plane class fat double-decked model, from potential barrier penetration angle discussion high pressure electric field to cell membrane permeability influence.
Avoid jokes and cultural references that might be misunderstood, because anything that can be easily misinterpreted is a potential barrier to effective communication.
However, it also brings potential barrier to activities of judicial proof, such as the appearance of specialized problems, and reliance on technical means to solve conflicts.
The parabolic barrier, double barrier with a rectangular well, double barrier with a parabolic well structure and the potential barrier placed in an external field are discussed here.
The results showed that nanoparticles accumulation at the vapor-liquid interface decreased embryo bubble radius and the potential barrier of nucleation, facilitating liquid nucleation.
It appears that the neck and the radial degrees of freedom might both be hampered by an inner potential barrier on their path between the contact configuration to the compound nucleus.
Based on the model, the variations of the electrical parameters such as the potential barrier, the anode junction voltage drop, and the current amplification factor are studied and discussed.
Results show that the electric field induced refractive index change in DQWs varies with the width of the intermediate potential barrier. And it decreases as the incident optical intensity increases.
It is about the ability that lies within each of us to rise above any barrier, no matter how high; to pursue any dream, no matter how big; to fulfill our God-given potential.
But it has always served as not only a physical barrier, but a psychological one to intimidate potential invaders.
Vary temperature, barrier height, and potential energies.
According to these results, the deformation potential energies of some nuclei are calculated, the calculated fission barrier heights of some nuclei are in agreement with the experimental results.
Effective barrier parameters were obtained by fitting the theoretical curves based on the trapezoidal barrier potential model to the experimental ones.
This differentiation of the products results into the vertical and horizontal entry barrier of potential entrant.
Objective:To investigate the potential role of intestinal microflora barrier in the pathogenesis of pancreatic infection.
Accident emergency response and preparedness is a final barrier necessary to reduce potential risks that may arise from nuclear power plants, which must be enhanced.
This is because that the deposition of the particles will increase the potential energy barrier for de-pining.
This mindset is a barrier to success for business women and potential female entrepreneurs, particularly in Latin America.
At the same time, however, this kind of small business face the entrant threat from the potential competitor due to the low entrant barrier or mobility barrier.
There existing blood-brain-barrier(BBB) problem, a variety of potential drugs for curing the illness of nerve center system(NCS) are restricted in the process of drug application.
Gastric transmucosal potential difference, GTPD, is an objective indicator of the integrity of gastric 'mucosal barrier.
Gastric transmucosal potential difference, GTPD, is an objective indicator of the integrity of gastric 'mucosal barrier.