The capacitors effectively act to form a capacitive potential divider and consequently the voltage occurring at the inverting input 12 changes.
The easiest way to accomplish this is to apply a potential across the entire tube and tap the dynode voltages off a voltage divider, as shown in Figure 4-13.
做到这一点最容易的方法是给整个光电倍增管的两端加上一个电压,然后从一个分压器的各个抽头取得供给各个倍增管电极的电压,如图4 - 13所示。
The easiest way to accomplish this is to apply a potential across the entire tube and tap the dynode voltages off a voltage divider, as shown in Figure 4-13.
做到这一点最容易的方法是给整个光电倍增管的两端加上一个电压,然后从一个分压器的各个抽头取得供给各个倍增管电极的电压,如图4 - 13所示。