This paper conducts a value judgment on esthetic fad mainly from the angle of esthetics, and points out that esthetic fad has a potential negative value not to be ignored.
This kind of amulet has no value to collector and may harmful to worshiper as it has VERY HIGH potential to absorb negative energy to cause wearer experiencing bad luck.
The negative value of solute potential of a solution means if a solution is separated from pure water by a selectively permeable membrane.
With increasing the embedded depth of iron wire, the negative shift value of corrosion potential, chlorine ion concentration and corrosion rates reduced, but polarization resistance increased.
Researches indicate that negative peak value of the output voltage of the testing winding is linear with the positive DC magnetic biasing potential;
Measured positive and negative electrode potential must rely on the reference electrode, to determine its relative value.
Measured positive and negative electrode potential must rely on the reference electrode, to determine its relative value.