As the car sped over a pothole she lurched forward.
Major pothole drive a little safer would you?
A Shield your eyes, who seem to emerge out of the black night as if running to mend a pothole.
My attention darted from pothole below to braking cars ahead to Guatemalan bakery Windows to the side.
A cup of water poured into a rut or a pothole on the ground only can float a small piece of grass or a leaf.
When you hit a pothole the car still bounces, but have you ever been in one that didn't have a shock absorber?
During your lunch break you could snap a picture of a pothole that needs patching and zap it to the proper authorities.
He said that suspension lift kits are able to lift my car so that it can not touch the ground when driving over a pothole.
But another certain consequence would be a deadly - and unnecessary - accident if the car hit even the tiniest pothole or sliver of ice.
They feelthe problem every time they drive over a pothole (and they often do: some 27%of urban arterial roads were classified as poor in 2005).
Venezuela's roads, in fact, are in such bad shape that a whole new category of pothole-the "mega-hole" -has begun to feature in news reports.
Toyota Motor Corp. has hit a pothole in China, where its failure to anticipate booming demand for small cars is depressing sales as rivals like General Motors Corp. report sharp gains.
丰田汽车(Motor Corp.)在中国遭遇挫折。 由于未能预见到小型车需求旺盛,其销售业绩受到抑制,而通用汽车(General Motors)等竞争对手同期销量却大幅上升。
Toyota Motor Corp. has hit a pothole in China, where its failure to anticipate booming demand for small cars is depressing sales as rivals like General Motors Corp. report sharp gains.
丰田汽车(Motor Corp .)在中国遭遇挫折。由于未能预见到小型车需求旺盛,其销售业绩受到抑制,而通用汽车(General Motors)等竞争对手同期销量却大幅上升。
Toyota Motor Corp. has hit a pothole in China, where its failure to anticipate booming demand for small cars is depressing sales as rivals like General Motors Corp. report sharp gains.
丰田汽车(Motor Corp .)在中国遭遇挫折。由于未能预见到小型车需求旺盛,其销售业绩受到抑制,而通用汽车(General Motors)等竞争对手同期销量却大幅上升。