To improve efficiency of power amplification circuit, circuits is being improved ceaselessly.
The power FETs are more and more widely used in radio-frequency power amplification in all-solid state transmitter.
Darlington transistor is more convenience in power amplification areas because of its high power gain and high reliability.
A linear power amplification system of high efficiency is adopted to raise the power performance index of some SSB transceivers.
The traditional class D amplifier is composed of three parts: modulation circuit, driving circuit and power amplification circuit.
If a spring foundation is used, comparison shows that more than 98% of the power amplification factor will be reduced by the spring elements.
A power amplification of H-bridge bipolar PWM control is designed for controlling DC micro-motor of positive rotation, reverse rotation and speed regulation.
基于H型双极模式P WM控制原理,设计了一种直流微电机正反转调速功率放大电路。
In the early 1950s, a new technology based on semiconductor construction would replace triodes with transistors, in cases where low-power amplification was needed.
The coupling efficiency of laser with semiconductor power amplification, output power of laser with semiconductor power amplification and operating lifetime have been improved.
The paper presents design proposal. working principle and functions of the signal processing system in the phase noise calibrating system 'for the pulse power amplification chain.
Design the signal adjust circuit for sensor, and the power amplification circuit for the hydraulic pressure system of test platform and the controller of magnetorheological dampers.
Using the side-pumped coupler made from fused tapered fiber, the Yb-doped double-cladding fiber (YDCF) master oscillation power amplification (MOPA) with all-fiber structure is experimentally studied.
Its power came from electronic amplification; it borrowed from the apparatus.
The valve is driven directly by a large strake multilayer piezoelectric stack, its displacement actuates the power cascade spool after amplification by a lever mechanism.
And the power amplifier can realize accurately tracking and amplification for ac signals with frequency range up to 1000hz.
Meanwhile, the chirped pulse amplification technique has boosted the peak power of the pulse to the terawatt level.
The technique of chirped pulse amplification (CPA) has become the important method to get high power of femtosecond laser pulse.
According to the requirement of system, some power detecting points and power controlling switch are provided for the amplification control chain.
The controller combines parallel amplification and drain modulation of the CMOS class-E power amplifier to provide high efficiency over a broad range of output powers.
In high power laser drivers used for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) research, the propagation, amplification and control are always the research emphases of high power laser physics and technology.
It is concluded that the harmonic amplification in power systems is effectively restrained by using mixed series reactors.
As the amplifier tuned load circuit, they are able to select the base component cosine pulse to obtain undistorted amplification signal output, so this amp is also known as tuned power amplifier.
A super-high end integrated amp that used the HCA power amp that was the pride of the 10000 Series, and held fast to analog amplification in the digital age.
The development of chirped -pulse amplification (CPA) technique requires to optimize CPA for the production of high power ultrashort light pulses with low pedestal.
A single stage amplifier was used outside the loop cavity to increase the output power, and the influence of amplification on laser quality was analyzed.
In electronics, pertaining to an equipment incapable of amplification or power generation.
Distributed Raman amplification generates a significant amount of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) optical power.
Materials with light amplification is a main part of fiber amplifier, which determine the power efficiency of fiber amplifier.
This is the least efficient method of amplification, because the output devices are dissipating maximum power with no input signal.
This is the least efficient method of amplification, because the output devices are dissipating maximum power with no input signal.