In America political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them.
In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them.
The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.
Projects that Gates is backing through Myhrvold include an effort to create an alternative nuclear reactor that produces clean power without waste or proliferation.
It adopts the tactics of the weak by backing militants in the region (and by taking hostages), yet appears to be seeking the ultimate power of nuclear weapons.
Part of the power comes from the integrated experience that makes code generation, assertions, database backing, and diagnostic tools work seamlessly through Rails.
In the us, power companies are backing away from nuclear because of fears over uncontrollable costs.
Many infrastructure projects, from roads to power plants, are stalled or reliant on public-sector customers which are bust in all but name and which enjoy uncertain backing from the state.
Yahoo revealed plans on Monday to be "carbon neutral" by year's end by backing hydropower in rural Brazil and wind power in India.
On the foundation of the perfect quality control system, take strong technique power as the backing, keep in the middle of go together of lead the position.
The backing team integrates the strong power of implementation and the excellent medium operates an ability, service providing customer with preeminent actual effect.
France, the former colonial power, which was earlier suspected of backing Mr Rajoelina, has unequivocally denounced the "coup d'état", as has the rest of the EU.
Projects that Gates is backing through Myhrvold include an effort to create an alternative nuclear reactor that produces clean power without waste or proliferation.
Projects that Gates is backing through Myhrvold include an effort to create an alternative nuclear reactor that produces clean power without waste or proliferation.