Threat of growing bargaining power of buyers: a segment is unattractive if the buyers possess strong or increasing bargaining power.
As recently as 2005, research by JD Power, the marketing information company, found that US buyers cared more about the number of cup holders in a new vehicle than its miles-to-gallon ratio.
Mr Dolman said there had been an influx of new purchasing power from China, India and other emerging economies to complement the industry's traditional reliance on New York and London-based buyers.
For example, buyers of some troubled American power companies have seen triple-digit gains as shares have recovered, boosted by mergers.
To be able to command burned-out press and buyers to your studio at 9 p.m. on the final day of a four-week fashion marathon, you have to have pulling power.
The weak dollar is clearly a factor, and has enhanced the buying power of many foreign buyers.
Chris Fain, a former eBay power seller and now president of, says eBay's strategy to serve its biggest buyers and sellers and shut out the little guys is short-sighted.
eBay 公司前任超级卖家克里斯.费恩,现为在线拍卖网站总裁,称eBay公司专为大买家、卖家服务而忽视小买家、卖家这一策略是不长远的。
Buyers can purchase a wide range of add-ons, including a pool, extra bedrooms, a third-floor addition, a solar power system, in-floor radiant heating and copper roofing.
It is put forward that electric price is main factor for effect on economic power exchange when power industry comes into the market of buyers.
A reasonable electricity price discount is used to balance the benefits between buyers and sellers for the existing of power demand price elasticity.
I've seen this unit for sale in PC World and putting these logos on the front is sure to inspire confidence in buyers with little knowledge of the power supply scene.
The investigation content includes: the basic characteristics of buyers, the purchasing power preference and influencing factors of buyers.
The spread of financial crisis has seriously affected the purchase power of consumers around the world. As a result, overseas buyers become much choosier at the fair.
The spread of financial crisis has seriously affected the purchase power of consumers around the world. As a result, overseas buyers become much choosier at the fair.