Chetty has not yet issued a comprehensive analysis of the relative predictive power of each of these factors.
If models have so little predictive power, what use are they?
You can conclude that a simple linear model offers more predictive power than simply using the mean of the Exhaustion scores.
The last hundred years, in the U.S., don't really have that much predictive power.
The IHME believes that scientific journals and official agencies should adopt rigorous vetting methods of predictive power, such as the 20% tests and decadal-withholding exercises.
Such predictive power could, they think, speed up the rate at which letters are chosen and words formed by those attempting to type by eye.
By combining the two, the researchers were able to produce a model with a predictive power of 61.8%.
Advances in complex networks theory and modeling, along with access to new data, will enable humans to achieve true predictive power in areas never before imagined.
But the predictive power of Google's system is relatively imprecise, since it depends solely on a large number of people getting sick and hitting their computers.
This means that typically a country's current growth rate has very little predictive power for future growth rates.
Students learn the basics, that evolution is both theory and fact and, crucially, that it serves as a way of looking at the world that provides deep predictive and explanatory power.
When she performed the statistical tests again, this time controlling for GNP, it turned out that the murder rate's predictive power disappears, whereas that of the health indicators persists.
Their climate science astounds with its precision, predictive power, and depth of observation.
One reason that historical education levels have such predictive power is that educational investment is extremely persistent.
Meanwhile school policies, such as whether the kid was in physical education or ate school lunches, had no predictive power for whether or not a child was obese.
Moreover this predictive power is the same for men and for women.
That's the kind of predictive power we want to generate with our model for cancer invasion.
Ellenbogen says this gives researchers a new predictive power.
Predictive power is an important part of the process of listening comprehension.
It is likely that the predictive power of these techniques will increase as researchers develop more sophisticated methods for gauging the emotional content of blogs and tweets.
Against: practical difficulty, ignore the huge influence of biology, lack the predictive power.
The success rate we observe in the test group will reflect the predictive power of the technique.
Receiver operated-characteristic curve analysis was used to assess the predictive power of clinical variables and scoring systems.
On the single machine to infinite bus power system model, using the design method, the novel nonlinear predictive integrated control laws of the generator are acquired.
Therefore, a predictive method using fuzzy mathematic and smooth indexes has developed a new quick estimation method for FGD engineering cost of thermal power plants.
It is very important to improve the predictive precision of reheated vapour temperature for enhancing the economy and reliability of the generating unit in power station.
It is very important to improve the predictive precision of reheated vapour temperature for enhancing the economy and reliability of the generating unit in power station.