The ego effect is a strong power in the behaviors and operations of mankind. It has very important function in the control and regulation of behaviors.
Speed regulation system using cascade control method with thyristor is a low-cost system, but the classic system has some shortages, such as low power factor, serious harmonic pollution and etc.
To maintain both the voltage and the frequency within limits requires fine power control and load regulation.
Focusing on the regulation of branch power. The amplitude and phase Angle of the series equivalent source of UPFC are selected as its control parameters.
Liquid system is the need for oil pressure, flow, direction control and regulation to meet the needs of working parts in the power, speed and direction requirements.
It is illustrated respectively in the paper the principle of regenerative braking and regulation and control of the braking current in terms of the power circuits and control circuits.
It shows that the MRCVT has a series of merits: easy to control, low control power, wide range of regulation, and stable speed regulation, etc.
This power control automation system will realize telemeter, tele - signaling, tele - control and tele - regulation in power network.
This paper is divided in six chapters, including the medium frequency power supply of thyristor's theory, design, regulation strategy, control system, experiments and conclusion.
To meet the use for various microwave ovens, they are divided into stepless regulation two and five steps regulation in power control.
To meet the use for various microwave ovens, they are divided into stepless regulation seven and nine steps regulation in power control.
The voltage regulation action of controlled reactor in distribution network is introduced. It can effectively control the variety of network voltage and improve the quality of power supply.
Accurate and fast estimation of electric frequency is the basis of operation, control, and regulation of power system and electric equipments.
Two ways of voltage and reactive power comprehensive regulation of substation are presented in the paper, which are nine-area control and fuzzy control.
A easier and low-cost power control method is proposed in this paper, based on the regulation of the average input current of the inverter.
A power amplification of H-bridge bipolar PWM control is designed for controlling DC micro-motor of positive rotation, reverse rotation and speed regulation.
基于H型双极模式P WM控制原理,设计了一种直流微电机正反转调速功率放大电路。
The paper presents the circuit structure type of the D. C. inductor in high power thyristor exciting system and the role of the D. C. inductor in the exciting current self-regulation control system.
The control rods are used to implement quick regulation of the reactor power and emergent shutdown of the reactor in pressurized water nuclear power station.
The influence of UPFC and its controlling parameters on power system stability, capability of voltage regulation and power flow control are overall simulated on a one-machine to infinitive-bus system.
It is the key point for ACEG to play good regulation performance, agility and reliability of operation that using appropriate excitation control strategy and excellent excitation power supply.
The control parameters and regulation pattern is set up according to the power flow control problem. A detail derivation is made on the equivalent injection power equation of several FACTS devices.
According to the double closed loops speed regulation system and requirements for the power control for the wind farm, a novel control strategy for the charging process of the FESS is designed.
According to the double closed loops speed regulation system and requirements for the power control for the wind farm, a novel control strategy for the charging process of the FESS is designed.