Professional production of small relays, power relays, magnetic latching relay, automotive relay, time relay, solid state relays, counters, relay sockets, sensors.
The high power handling (3000 watts plus) relays in the WPR-26 allow simple set up and operation without the complex routing of signal cables.
高功率处理能力(300 0瓦特加)在太区继电器- 26允许简单的设置和没有信号电缆复杂的路由操作。
Is a collection of scientific research, development, production and marketing of solid state relays and power electronic modules as one of the hi-tech enterprises.
The diagnostic system can be applicable to power system control center for fault section estimation using information of relays and circuit breakers.
Power Interface ICs are used in industrial and automotive applications such as relays and solenoids, and LED and VF displays.
In this paper the method of analyzing the phase-to-phase faults in power transformers is presented. The sensitivities of distance relays and other back-up protections during the faults are compared.
These codes are four-group ML decodable and have uniform distribution of power among the relays as well as in time.
Directional impedance relays (mho relays) are frequently used in high-voltage power systems.
Current transformers are commonly used in metering and protective relays in the electrical power industry.
The communication system includes two communication channels for communication of protection and control information between two protective relays on a power line portion of an electric power system.
If charged by solar panels and batteries, continuing and stable power supply for satellite data relays and telemetric stations can be guaranteed.
The test results show that the power frequency voltage withstanding characteristics of the insulation of protective relays are the key factor influencing tolerable ground potential rise.
This paper presents a novel approach to accelerated trip of power transmission lines by using biorthogonal wavelet transform to improve the performance of protection relays.
This paper presents a novel approach to accelerated trip of power transmission lines by using biorthogonal wavelet transform to improve the performance of protection relays.