The benefits of large effective area fibers are higher power handling capability for improved system signal to noise ratio (SNR), and longer amplifier spacing.
This method is compared with classical noise jamming technique by means of SJR (Signal to jamming Ratio) gain and jamming power gain of SAR system.
Based on the analysis of noise characteristics of the power signals, an approach to modeling the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is proposed and corresponding theory is demonstrated.
On the other hand, signal-to-noise ratio is estimated to provide a switching and power control and channel allocation algorithm for the channel quality information.
The demodulation process of the generated DPASK pulses is investigated and the relationship between optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) penalty and the input ASK power is presented.
That means a CW transmitter has to output 16 times more power than a PSK31 transmitter to gain the same signal to noise ratio on the receiving side.
Correct noise power spectrum estimation and apriori signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimation are all essential to good quality of the enhanced speech.
The detailed principle of detection is presented. The relationship of range accuracy and signal-to-noise ratio with laser power, telescope diameter, and pulse width are numerically simulated.
The second system is tunable laser light source based on semiconductor optical amplifier(SOA), light output power and signal-to-noise ratio are improved effectively;
The second system is tunable laser light source based on semiconductor optical amplifier(SOA), light output power and signal-to-noise ratio are improved effectively;