UC3846 is used for PWM, pulse transformer driven by bridge can transfer signal and power for IGBT in main circuit, quick protection is necessary for short circuit often happen during brush plate.
本文采用UC 3846作为PWM发生器,桥式驱动的脉冲变压器既保证信号的传输,又保证足够功率驱动全桥逆变主电路。对于经常发生短路刷镀刷镀工艺,快速过电流保护非常必要。
The outage of substation auxiliary power system has severe impact on the main transformer coolers, protection, communication and automation systems of substation.
The TA saturation has always been the main problem to degrade the reliability of the differential protection of power transformer.
The TA saturation has always been the main problem to degrade the reliability of the differential protection of power transformer.