Keeping the team together, solving conflicts, doing public relations (PR), tech support, setting up servers, banning troublemakers, brainstorming, etc. will be your attributions.
保持团队团结,解决争执,维护公共关系 (PR),技术支持,架设服务器,惩罚捣乱分子,自由讨论,等等都是你的职责。
Tom, the public relations (PR) writer.
公共关系 (PR)撰稿人。
The PR Firm MWW Group has just launched a new, cross-platform mobile application designed to bring the best RSS content to those in the public relations, marketing, and advertising fields.
We're certainly the experts on liability reduction, fiascos, and amazing PR”, tweeted Fake Lucas Van Praag, who impersonates the public-relations chief of Goldman Sachs on Twitter.
不可否认地,我们是削减负债、收拾残局以及魅力公关的专家”伪卢卡斯•范•普拉格(Fake Lucas VanPraag)在Twitter上如此模仿高盛(Goldman Sachs)公关总监的口吻。
A West Coast real estate executive, he had an M.B.A. from a prestigious university and was “a very intellectual, serious man, ” said Ms. DiNardo, president of TK/PR, a public relations firm.
Summary: Public relations professional with five years of experience managing pr campaigns across multiple media, working with national and local press and coordinating large-scale events.
Pr is a by-product, because you will be able to gradually spread out later, this is the best public relations.
The Group garnered Corporate & Public Category – Financial Award in the Asia Pacific PR Awards 2006 that recognizes its outstanding investor relations strategies.
集团于2006年度亚太区公关大赛荣膺 「企业及公共组别 ——财务」 ,大奖表扬其杰出的投资者关系策略 。
To this end, Windsor looked to the talents of Dome PR, a talented public relations company with a long history of success and a strong client portfolio.
The enterprise should realize that the execution of external PR activities alone does not constitute successful corporate public relations, but rather, it is just a part of the latter.
Zoe Chambers was a successful PR (Public Relations) consultant and life was going well - she had a great job, a beautiful flat and a busy social life in London.
佐伊·钱伯斯是一位成功的PR(公共关系)顾问,生活也越来越好了- - -在伦敦,她有一份很棒的工作,一栋漂亮的公寓还有繁忙的社会生活。
Public Relation Marketing (PR Marketing) is a newly developed science, which is incorporated with the traditional Marketing and Modern Public Relations.
Lobbying PR, as a part of public relations (PR), is a series activities which, through propaganda to improve image and gain public support, reach the PR goal.
Development of PR strategy, responsible for planning and writing public relations planning programs.
Subscribe and receive PR Tips regularly bye-mail or check out the most recent edition at the Effective Public Relations Web page.
New Point Marketing Limited - and pr Services - New Point always makes efforts in providing public relations solutions.
The RI Public Relations Division also compiles PR Tips, a newsletter that ise-mailed to interested governors twice a month.
国际扶轮的公关部同时也发行一份双月电子通讯〝公共关系的秘诀 每两个月一次会以电子邮件寄给有兴趣的总监。
Fading the same background information, corporate PR statements writers 'linguistic choice has great impact on the effect of the public relations communication.
Fading the same background information, corporate PR statements writers 'linguistic choice has great impact on the effect of the public relations communication.