This article from the author's own perspective to explore some on Training College Students' practical ability of enterprise 's ways and methods.
The subject of spoken English is a very practical lesson, the fostering and training of students' language- expressing ability should be its gist.
It can even develop the high vocational students' affection diathesis. Training mathematics reading ability is essential and practical for them.
However, practical education is not the study of techniques and skills, but the training of the students quality, such as personality, moral, ability and so on.
It is beneficial to the training of the student's practical ability comprehensive quality and needs to be included in the required courses or the elective courses in the curriculum.
Approaches and methods of accounting professional ability of practical training are analyzed and explored in this thesis.
It also explores the importance, purpose, method, content and organization of training courses, and proposes the cultivation of talents with a strong practical ability.
On the other hand, it makes an obvious effect on training students in thinking ability, practical ability and creativity.
Analyzes the present situation of computer professional graduates employment, and points out that there is inadequate in training students' practical ability in university.
The author presents some practical ways and methods which may be adopted in strengthening the training of scientific research ability of college students based on the experience summed up in thi…
Training the top paramedics with the ability to compete in the world is the mission of English teachers in vocational medical colleges. English Teaching should be practical and…
Training the top paramedics with the ability to compete in the world is the mission of English teachers in vocational medical colleges. English Teaching should be practical and…