In the second section are the improvement measures to the practice of community-based correction.
In the theory and practice of community, of the existence of opposition to execution is also a vague understanding of Appeal.
Conclusion: Training of community health practitioners should consider the reality of the practice of community health services.
The emphasis of this part is "the problem existing in Chinese practice of community-correction". Because finding out the problems is the premise of solving them.
In China, the study and practice of community are still in the beginning stage. For urban planning it is lack of integration with the production of other scientific research areas.
His notion of patterns as best practice approaches to common design problems has been widely adopted by the software community.
Members of a Community of Practice are practitioners.
We have developed a community of Practice infrastructure for each community, as shown in Figure 1.
In recent years, a community of practice on CCT programs in the Latin America and Caribbean region has been established.
Another influence is the "community of practice" concept.
Such support might include connecting participants through social media to build a larger community of practice.
LiveMocha: This site combines lessons, with an online community allowing you to practice speaking with native speakers, which dovetails nicely into the next set of sites.
For Joseph M. Murphy, a theology professor at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., these elements are all part of the community spirit of the practice.
对华盛顿特区的乔治敦大学的神学教授JosephM .Murphy而言,这些元素全都是实际的社区精神的组成。
The group of volunteers who created the agile Community of practice (CoP) applied agile practices to the work of creating the organization.
This is a true-to-life example of a blog, created to illustrate how members frequently use different types of learning opportunities within a Community of Practice
这是一个博客的逼真例子,用来描述Community of Practice 中的成员经常是如何利用不同的机会来学习的
Ask any successful designer in the community about how they have succeeded and they will attribute much of their success to practice.
Einstein's father, Hermann, was born in 1847 in the Swabian village of Buchau, whose thriving Jewish community was just beginning to enjoy the right to practice any vocation.
The model of urban community work is both the core issue of community theory, policy and practice and an important integral part of history study in contemporary China.
Figure 1: The IBM Rational Community of Practice infrastructure provides a number of different ways for members to connect.
We learn and practice our skills every day as we learn what it means to be a productive and contributing citizen of a community.
The Project Management Institute (PMI) officially launched their Agile Community of Practice at the Agile200 conference.
项目管理学会(Project Management Institute,简写pmi)在敏捷2009大会上正式启动了敏捷实践社区。
Community theory is an important part of social theory study, while community practice and community practice model are the main part of community theory.
The future needs of the community is the theory and practice of combining the compound talents.
The consensus statement that comes out of the discussions at the conference can affect practice, and can serve as a tool for this community.
Working in the monastery is an opportunity to continue the practice and be part of the community. Please work in a mindful and considerate manner.
The first part introduces the concept of general practice medicine and its function and position in community health service.
There are no data regarding the efficacy and safety of minimally invasive hip arthroplasty technique performed by community practice orthopedists.
Conclusion the community health education practice of nursing students is a good way to cultivate and enhance their health education ability.
Conclusion the community health education practice of nursing students is a good way to cultivate and enhance their health education ability.