The pragmatic meaning of a word is in its implied meaning, or the meaning that a speaker tries to convey.
Multi-word units are dynamic and open to many choices of lexis in a specific grammatical structure and form a unity of semantic meaning, grammatical rule and pragmatic context.
The lexical meaning difference of the word "flat" between the two English dialects can effect a different pragmatic meaning.
The witticism, as a kind of commonly used humorous language form by the people, has obvious feature of the humorous pragmatic effect through the discord in word meaning and expression form.
Context places pragmatic and semantic restrictions on the expressing and understanding of a language. A given context of situation gives the word or sentence a specific meaning.
Negation, the process or goal of negating the meaning of a single word or the whole declaration of a declarative sentence, can be realized by means of meaning approach or pragmatic one.
Negation, the process or goal of negating the meaning of a single word or the whole declaration of a declarative sentence, can be realized by means of meaning approach or pragmatic one.