Another one happened on Tuesday morning, the inaugural prayer service.
The tradition of the inaugural prayer service started with George Washington, it's been hold at the National Cathedral since 1985.
Forty white roses were strewn atop the granite stones that mark his grave site, left by Kennedy family members during a private early morning prayer service.
Through consistent daily prayer, my whole life becomes devoted to my King and to the service of His kingdom.
When I meet God in prayer, His presence is my strength for service.
We also have many fellowship, prayer, and service ministries going on during the week for all ages.
Waiting truly and only upon the LORD. Be this our condition all this day and every day. Waiting his leisure, waiting in his service, waiting in joyful expectation, waiting in prayer, and content.
During a Sunday worship service, our congregation said this prayer of confession in unison: "Gracious God, like many believers before us, we complain when things do not go our way."
在某个主日敬拜赞美,我们众人做如下的同心合一的祷告:“慈爱的神,我们也像我们之前的信徒一样,当一些事情不顺利时, 我们也抱怨。
A PRAYER: Lord make me your apostle and send me out in your service today.
A PRAYER: Lord make me your apostle and send me out in your service today.