High blood pressure during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia and eclampsia).
The present invention relates to a marker for the development of pre-eclampsia.
Very young mothers are also at greater risk for pre-eclampsia and premature births.
Dr. Haig proposed that pre-eclampsia was just an extreme form of a strategy used by all fetuses.
The leading pregnant complication counting for 37.5% of total perinatal deaths was pre-eclampsia.
Objective To investigate the selection of methods of section anaesthesia in severe pre-eclampsia.
INDULGING in chocolate during pregnancy could help ward off a complication known as pre-eclampsia.
Pre-eclampsia may be associated with a virus infection of the fetus, an Australian study has found.
But the arrival of Gracie wasn't easy as Tia was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, seven weeks before her due date.
Administering drugs such as magnesium sulfate for pre-eclampsia can lower a woman's risk of developing eclampsia.
The mutant mice also showed elevated levels of two blood vessel proteins that have turned up in pre-eclampsia patients.
Treatment also results in fewer cesarean deliveries and a reduction in risk for pre-eclampsia and hypertensive disorders.
The third cause, eclampsia, emerges as pre-eclampsia, a common hypertensive disorder, which can be detected during pregnancy.
Objective: To observe the infiltrating of the trophoblast cells in decidua and myometrium of placental bed in pre-eclampsia.
We aimed to assess whether supplementation with vitamins C and E reduced incidence of pre-eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes.
The expression of T-lymphocyte subpopulations of decidual-placental bed in pregnancy with pre-eclampsia and clinical significance.
Results The gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia (including mild and severe) were accounted for 70.6% and 29.4% among 170 cases.
Objective: To explore the importance and feasibility of Expectant Management of severe pre-eclampsia and the impact on out come of gestation.
Previous studies have highlighted the growing infertility rates for older women and the greater risk of them developing diabetes and pre-eclampsia.
Previouss studies have highlighted the growing infertility rates for older women and the greater risk of them developing diabetes and pre-eclampsia.
They also found that serum, urine and fractional excretion of inhibin A were increased in women with severe pre-eclampsia compared with other gravidas.
Pre-eclampsia is one of the major diseases in obstetric field, the expression of HLA-G in patients with preeclampsia, but the mechanism of action still unclear.
These studies have delineated possible mechanisms behind smoking's protective effects on pre-eclampsia and identified carbon monoxide as a possible treatment modality.
BACKGROUND: Results of several trials of antioxidant use during pregnancy have not shown a reduction in pre-eclampsia, but the effect in women with diabetes is unknown.
One of the most common causes of premature birth in the UK, pre-eclampsia affects 70, 000 British women a year and claims the lives of up to 1, 000 babies and ten mothers.
Objective:To observe the expression of T-lymphocyte subpopulations of decidual-placental bed in pregnancy with pre-eclampsia to explore the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia.
Objective: pregnancies in diabetic women are at 4-12 more risk for pre-eclampsia, an urgent, acute onset complication of mid to late gestation, than pregnancies in normal women.
目的:怀孕的糖尿病妇女比怀孕的正常妇女更容易患先兆子痫,其患病风险率大约高出4 - 12倍,先兆子痫是妊娠中晚期的严重的急性并发症。
Conclusion The decrease of plasma PLF levels at earlier third trimester was associated with IUGR and pre-eclampsia, and the endothelial cell damage may be one of its mechanisms.
And it's used widely for blood-clotting disorders and to help prevent recurrent miscarriage, migraines, cataracts, gum disease and pre-eclampsia (a serious complication of pregnancy).
And it's used widely for blood-clotting disorders and to help prevent recurrent miscarriage, migraines, cataracts, gum disease and pre-eclampsia (a serious complication of pregnancy).