The pre-exist amphibolite facies rocks in the fracture belt have been superimposed by retrograde green-schist facies with neoformation of chlorite.
The result showed that:(1)the subjects with the computer-based illustrating tool scored higher significantly than the subjects with pre-exist illustration;
These, if they exist, would be fossil traces of black holes from the pre-Big Bang version of reality.
In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, the first since his appointment, Mr Bryant said: "We are deliberately not pre-judging the issue." The post doesn't exist yet.
The pre-digital past doesn't exist, at least not unless I walk away from this computer, get all old school, and find an actual library.
No visual tooling is provided, and no pre-defined handlers exist.
The SQL within the T-ETL job refers to pre-defined nicknames that exist within the federated database, rather than the actual source tables themselves.
T-ETL 作业中的SQL引用联邦数据库中预定义的昵称,而不是实际的源表。
The DB2 Health Monitor evaluates database objects at pre-defined refresh intervals to determine if unhealthy conditions exist.
If LDAP integration was desired, then each of these organizations would need to exist in the LDAP server (pre-populated, or created dynamically by WebSphere Commerce).
如果需要LDAP集成,那么这些组织中的每个组织都需要存在于LDAP服务器中(预填充或由WebSphere Commerce动态创建)。
Many other open source tools exist for pre-conversion or augmenting and improving the documents that Calibre has converted.
Traditional views think the pre-qin Confucianists school represented by Confucius denies to exist the world after death , or takes the attitude of leaving the question open.
So it's not too much of a stretch to claim that pre-human forms of laughter may exist.
A Euro LIBOR does exist, but mainly for continuity purposes in swap contracts dating back to pre-EMU times.
Injection fixing arrangements (1) of this type exist for use in pre-insertion mounting.
Injection fixing arrangements (1) of this type exist for use in pre-insertion mounting.