The prefrontal cortex is key to theory of mind.
Prefrontal cortex: integrator-distributor of information.
On MRI scans, white spots showed up in the prefrontal cortex.
As the brain gets older, the prefrontal cortex begins to decline quickly.
由于大脑变老了,其前额皮层(prefrontal cortex)开始迅速地衰退。
The prefrontal cortex is closely linked to our highest cognitive functions.
Most significantly of all, it shrinks the volume of the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus.
This phenomenon, Dr. Carson said, is often linked to a decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex.
In those with more positive temperaments the activity occurred in the left prefrontal cortex instead.
When a group of men looked at images of overweight men, there was no medial prefrontal cortex activity.
Put simply, the prefrontal cortex is at the heart of our most flexible and forward-looking thoughts.
But they do not stay there long. Instead, they are sent to the prefrontal cortex for longer-term storage.
Half were then given magnetic stimulation on the right side of their prefrontal cortex, half on the left.
The orbitofrontal cortex is a part of the prefrontal cortex that regulates decision-making, reward, and emotion.
First, let's consider the prefrontal cortex, particularly how it can aid people in understanding each other.
Just imagine if we could silence a few cells in the right prefrontal cortex and make self-awareness disappear.
"This might result in an increased number and function of spine synapses in the prefrontal cortex," Vollenweider says.
The prefrontal cortex is key to complex thoughts and behaviors, including language, social behavior and decision-making.
The results reveal a fascinating correlation between a level of self-awareness and activity in the prefrontal cortex.
The researchers discovered activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex which is associated with a feeling of safety.
But the fact that we see functional differences in prefrontal cortex response in lower socioeconomic status kids is definitive.
现在我们的研究发现家境差的孩子(和富裕家庭的孩子对比)在大脑额叶对刺激的反映有着机能上的差异。 这是明确的事实。
In other words, the striatum quickly learns the individual puzzle pieces, and the prefrontal cortex puts them together, Miller says.
Previous studies have found that the prefrontal cortex is not activated when people interact with inanimate objects, such as a computer game.
This claim hinges on a peculiar and unique feature of our cognitive architecture: the stunningly slow development of the prefrontal cortex (PFC).
Stress, Thompson explains, impairs our ability to use our prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that organizes, plans and processes information.
汤普森解释说,压力削弱了我们使用前额皮质的能力。 前额皮质是大脑组织、计划和处理信息的部分。
The fMRI data indicate that these gains were the result of information being processed more quickly and efficiently through the prefrontal cortex.
Some of the most important changes occur within the prefrontal cortex of the brain, where decision making, understanding and behavioral control reside.
The nap before learning may help clear out the hippocampus and send the data on to the prefrontal cortex, allowing new information to soak in, Walker says.
Networks of neurons in the prefrontal cortex generate persistent firing to keep information "in mind" even in the absence of cues from the environment.
Networks of neurons in the prefrontal cortex generate persistent firing to keep information "in mind" even in the absence of cues from the environment.