Beside this, prehistoric man looks technologically primitive.
When prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world, something strange happened to the large animals: they suddenly became extinct.
Prehistoric man used flint knives.
Will these findings more information on prehistoric man?
In anatomical structure prehistoric man shows close affinity with modern humans.
It is thought that prehistoric man wore clothing for a fourth reason, as a kind of magic.
WHEN prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world, something strange happened to the large animals.
When prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world, something strange happened to the large animals.
When prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world, something strange happened to the large animals.
When prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world, something strange happened to the large animals. they suddenly became extinct.
According to a new theory, prehistoric man navigated his way across England using a similar system based on stone circles and other markers.
In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the earth's postwar era, there was quite a wide-spread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day.
People lived in caves in prehistoric times. Scientists have learned much about early man by digging in cave floors and studying the artwork on walls and ceilings.
In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the earth's postwar era, there was quite a wide-spread concern that computers would take over the world from man oneday.
If the theory could be proved, and a two-pronged arrival of Neanderthal man accepted, it would help solve some of the mysteries thrown up by prehistoric sites around Europe.
In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the earth's post-war era, there was a quite widespread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day.
In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the earth's postwar era, there was quite a wide-spread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day.
In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the earth's postwar era, there was quite a wide-spread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day.