Since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient, the objection provides no grounds for concern.
But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient, inappropriate prescriptions would not become more common.
For example, a patient may come a long way to Beijing to see me and I prescribe an ACE inhibitor and after they leave they may have cough and discontinue the drug.
It also works well to prescribe cyproheptadine for a patient with dawn phenomenon.
An authentic approach is to build a genomic and proteomic profile of a patient, identify the target oncogenes and prescribe the combination of targeted drugs tailored for that patient.
But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient, the objection provides no grounds for concern.
But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient, the objection provides no grounds for concern.