To present in person, not only the client to help move. Move himself what also didn't know where to put, find it more comfortable.
I have now come to realize that being boring, in actuality, is not only about who you are as a person, but also how you present yourself.
He was the first person to present the idea of some special energy in the universe.
In theory, even if a person was falsely tagged as present at a place - they would still receive a word of mouth promotion of the place as a result of being tagged.
The man is holding a present for her, and when she opens it she will be the kindest, luckiest person in the world.
As humans, we are horrified when we learn that a person in distress is not helped, even when, as in this case, many potential helpers are present.
What do your instincts tell you about the situation and about the person… both in the past, present, and future?
Extreme sensitivity can also contribute to jealousy in instances where a person perceives a threat to the relationship when there's no threat present.
This person, in the role of group moderator, is responsible for making sure that the objective of the brainstorming session is clear to everyone present.
A mindful person lives in the present and does not get obsessed with the future or the past.
These stages are present at different times and each person has their own way of reacting in the stages of culture shock.
If you had the chance to meet one person who you've found specifically instrumental in the vegetarian community - dead or alive, past or present - who would it be and why?
A good I.T. person, though, knows how to interpret "user-speak" and present them with the tools they need even if they didn't know how to ask for them in our language.
These are indeed special souls, who have evolved much further than you would normally expect to find in the average person on Earth at present.
This spell effect is different in that the Invisible person or object is still very much present, just impossible for most beings to see.
If any sick person ask you what they are, foretells there will be surprising events in your present and future.
Bleak House is among Dickens novels, uniquely original in its alternation of first-person past-tense chapters with a concurrent third-person account in present tense.
At every meeting and in the midst of every decision we make, one important person is not present: our Customer.
The number that our country has case of colour collocation persons qualified to teach at present is gross 2000 more than person, in Xiamen more rare.
At present the full of beautiful things in eyes of ceramic tile breed on market, so much that make a person dazzling.
To think very likely or almost certain; suppose. Used in the first person singular present tense.
At present, our country dining service person also has some problems in its hygienic aspect, strengthens the dining service person's conservancy of sanitation is very essential.
When I received the present, I felt like I was the happiest person in the world.
Being authentic and present in your own skin and not relying on any name, person or score - that's grit.
The project management mode of construction-agent system has at present been extended in China, so as to fill the vacancy of juridical person in the traditional project management mode.
It is important for every person to be sufficiently present to himself in order to hear and follow the voice of his conscience.
It is important for every person to be sufficiently present to himself in order to hear and follow the voice of his conscience.