The hydraulic pressure oil pressure reduces, causes the header not to be able to hang or raises hangs slowly.
The increasing in forming pressure reduces the pore size and porosity, but has little effect on the pore shape.
Additionally increasing the gas pressure reduces the amount of atomic hydrogen due to higher recombination in the gas phase.
The time when the cement slurry's column pressure reduces to the water column pressure before or after initial set is directly related to whether or not formation fluids flow out during wait-on-time.
These movements can promote the eustachian tube merge, adjusts the internal ear pressure, reduces or prevents the earache.
Further, optimizing away some allocations reduces pressure on the garbage collector and allows collection to run less often.
Every 1000 metres increase in altitude reduces atmospheric pressure - and hence the density of the air - by about 11 per cent (though the precise formula is more complicated than this).
海拔每上升1000米大气压力- - -也就是空气密度- - -会降低大概11%(虽然精确的公式比这要更复杂。)
The steam then condenses and reduces pressure in the reactor system.
This reduces the pressure, according to Bernouilli's principle.
So how is it that the stress of meeting deadlines, conducting research and pulling all-nighters at college actually reduces students’ blood pressure?
This reduces the intraocular pressure that causes glaucoma.
Others have shown garlic prevents platelet aggregation and reduces high blood pressure.
Exposure to nature and hospital gardens is important. Looking out Windows reduces stress and even a picture of a landscape lowers blood pressure and stress.
Looking out Windows reduces stress and even a picture of a landscape lowers blood pressure and stress.
There is lots of evidence that reducing dietary salt intake reduces blood pressure and the researchers did see some indication of this occurring.
It wards against depression and generally raises your mood and if that wasn't enough, it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and reduces the chance of blood clots.
Mindfulness reduces stress, boosts immune functioning, reduces chronic pain, lowers blood pressure, and helps patients cope with cancer.
The low-pressure area reduces wind resistance and hence the amount of drag, which means less energy is needed to maintain the same speed as the leader.
Combine a body the pump and the valve, and through pump's by-pass governing, causes the return route pressure to drop to lowly, thus reduces the pipeline and divulging.
Calcium is a fantastic nutrient that will bring instant relaxing properties to your body and will help you sleep better. Calcium lowers blood sugar, blood pressure, and reduces anxiety.
Having a healthy weight reduces your chances of developing high blood pressure.
Another possible connection is that taller people tend to weigh more - and increased weight, particularly in those who are obese, puts extra pressure on the legs and calves, and so reduces blood flow.
First must block and delay the atherosclerosis through the scientific meals, the stable blood pressure, reduces the illness complication.
By adjusting the control knob, the second stage reduces the intermediate pressure to the desired delivery pressure.
As the shear rate rises, the amplitude of pressure oscillation reduces, whereas the slide velocity, critical slide length and the frequency increase.
Eating like a caveman from the Stone Age helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing heart disease, Swedish researchers found.
Eating like a caveman from the Stone Age helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing heart disease, Swedish researchers found.