Controls rapid pressure rise within the cylinder.
He just insulted you and you feel your blood pressure rise.
The theory of the expansion volume pressure rise is predicted.
The acute pressure rise may also cause corneal edema, giving the cornea a steamy appearance.
It costs 100 yuan to hear your heart race and feel your blood pressure rise with excitement.
Ranging from the formation of hematoma, while in the brain congestion pressure rise and death.
Independently develop software system of dynamic pressure rise measurement actualized on freeze-dryer.
This pressure rise due to air bubbles in the liquid missing scene known as cavitation bubble collapse.
The more convergence Angle increases, the greater dynamic pressure, static pressure and total pressure rise.
The difference between leak rate and rate of pressure rise of high vacuum pneumatic operation baffle valve is analyzed.
And the maximum explosion pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise vary approximately linearly with the concentration.
The maximization of the static pressure rise and minimization of the total pressure loss are taken as the design targets.
Katherine Harmon reports the stress of the day, from morning traffic to the evening news, can make anyone's blood pressure rise.
In addition, the history of the maximum explosion pressure rise rate is changed with the variation of aluminum powder contents...
A shock wave pressure rise device of the two phase flow is composed of a steam nozzle, a mixing chamber and relevant valves and piping.
The result shows that the rate of pressure rise and the heat release are the main dynamic load factor that affects the combustion noise.
Experts found callers' stress levels and blood pressure rise dangerously high as they become frustrated with the delay in getting through.
Experts found callers' stress levels and blood pressure rise dangerously high as they become frustrated with the delay in getting through.
At the rated power, the HRR for each engine has only one peak, peak pressure and rate of pressure rise for DME engine is lower comparatively.
Some characteristic parameters, the maximum explosion pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise etc, can be tested by using this experiment system.
This pressure rise is so great that a force is exerted upon the top of the piston that is sufficient to force the piston all the way down the cylinder.
The study indicates that the end of flame spread over grain surface corresponds to Max value of pressure rise rate and the flame is not continuous in fin slots.
This paper deals with blood flow caused by microvascular vasomotion with the focus on the effects of blood viscoelasticity on the pressure rise and wall resistance.
Quite simply, if a patient has high blood pressure and is taking medication to control it, and then they cease taking it, they will see their blood pressure rise again.
The technique of dynamic pressure rise measurement is a non-contacting measure method which is only belong to freeze-dry and it has more unexampled merits that others do.
Some characteristic parameters, the maximum explosion pressure, maximum rate of pressure rise and explosion time etc, can be tested exactly by using this experiment system.
Since the ignition delay of DME is shorter than that of diesel, thus makes the lower value of maximum cylinder pressure, maximum rate of pressure rise and combustion noise.
The technique of dynamic pressure rise measurement is a non-contacting measure method which is only belong to freeze-dry and it has more unexampled merits that others doesn't have.
Proper amount EGR inducted can dramatically enhance the combustion rate and decrease the pressure rise rate, but too much EGR would result in unstable even intermittent combustion.
Proper amount EGR inducted can dramatically enhance the combustion rate and decrease the pressure rise rate, but too much EGR would result in unstable even intermittent combustion.