It depends on the plant.It depends on whether it's a boiling-water reactor or a pressurized-water reactor.
This paper discusses the neutron absorption principle of measuring the boron concentration, which is to control the reactivity of the pressurized-water reactor.
Both the primary helium circulator for high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTR) and the primary pump for the pressurized-water reactor are the key components in the reactor primary loop.
European pressurized water reactor (EPR) is currently one of the most typical new generation reactor types.
Based on an exact mathematic model, a measurement method regarding core thermal power of nuclear power pressurized water reactor and its error analysis were presented in this paper.
The key problem of the loose parts monitoring system for primary loop of pressurized water reactor is how to extract loose parts impact signal from complex background noise.
According to the optimal control theory, the problem of load following operation in a pressurized water reactor is formulated as a nonlinear quadratic optimal control problem.
The natural circulation ability of PWR (pressurized water reactor) coolant system is one of inherent safeties of this kind NPP (nuclear power plant).
This paper has carried on the elaboration to the pressurized water reactor nuclear power station.
The control rods are used to implement quick regulation of the reactor power and emergent shutdown of the reactor in pressurized water nuclear power station.
After having completed the model analysis of the pressurized water reactor (PWR) core barrel in an 1:10 model, the dynamic characteristics are obtained.
The Principle and methodology of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant core power capability verification for reload are introduced.
After having completed the model analysis of the pressurized water reactor (PWR) core barrel in anl: 10 model, the dynamic characteristics are obtained.
The 150-meter vessel carries a crew of 141 and is powered by a uranium-fueled pressurized water reactor.
There are several different types of nuclear reactors, including boiling water reactor systems and pressurized water reactor systems.
At present, the pressurized water reactor and boiling water nuclear power reactor in the largest proportion.
China has already developed its large-sized advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) and High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) technologies with proprietary intellectual property rights.
Loss of coolant accident is considered as design basis accident in the design of nuclear power plant. It is the key point of accident analysis for pressurized water reactor plant.
Loss of coolant accident is considered as design basis accident in the design of nuclear power plant. It is the key point of accident analysis for pressurized water reactor plant.