The main difficulty of stress analysis of unbonded partially prestressed concrete beam is how to determine unbonded tendons stress.
The prestressed steel bar is drawn when there is uniform temperature of the main beam body, so that the prestress loss can be decreased.
With its excellent section characters, the prestressed concrete box beam plays a main role in the girder bridge.
The main difficulty in analysis of unbonded prestressed concrete beam bridge is the coupling between the sectional strength of member and the whole structural deformation of member.
The prestressed ring beam of the main stadium of Nanjing Olympic Sports Center has a complex shape and its construction is very difficult.
The main bridge of Sanmenjiang Bridge in Liuzhou is a 3-span partial cable-stayed prestressed concrete box beam bridge with two pylons and double cable planes.
The main bridge of Sanmenjiang Bridge in Liuzhou is a 3-span partial cable-stayed prestressed concrete box beam bridge with two pylons and double cable planes.