Too much is spent on curative medicine and too little on preventive medicine.
I think of it as preventive medicine for age-related conditions.
Brenda Rea, who helps run the family and preventive medicine residency program at Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
The new research, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, isn't the first to associate greenery with better health, but it does get us closer to identifying what works and why.
In just the last two months, two pillars of preventive medicine fell.
Interventions stimulated and tracked by the scorecard showed measurable improvements in preventive medicine, child health, capacity building of clinic staff and availability of essential drugs.
He wants to see doctors rewarded according to results, rather than procedures, because he argues that the current system is stacked against preventive medicine.
The growing emphasis on preventive medicine may also place more responsibility on patients to head off illnesses before they become serious.
This is preventive medicine, on a global scale, at its best.
The uninsured get too little preventive medicine, but hospitals are, by law, obliged to offer them (expensive) emergency care, thus raising costs for everyone else.
So there's a critical window of opportunity we have to make an important difference that can affect the lives of literally millions of people, and practice preventive medicine on a global scale.
It's a strong argument for preventive medicine.
He thought regulatory approval should be sought for doctors to prescribe aspirin as a preventive medicine for those at a higher risk of bowel cancer.
Here's a novel idea — preventive medicine.
Results were published in the June American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
The study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, concluded that there was "measurable" associations between playing video games and health risks.
The results, which will be published in the November issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, come on the heels of a recent study linking childhood spanking with lower IQs.
Preventive medicine is to raise the level of public health and prevent and control diseases.
The focus flipped from the emphasis on disease to preventive medicine, health and wellness, and subsequently, healthy aging.
There may be no better example of what is meant by preventive medicine than the strategy of vaccination.
The study is from Columbia University and the city college of New York. It appears in the American journal of preventive medicine.
Editor's note: Evelyn Bromet, is Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Preventive Medicine at Stony Brook University in New York.
编辑笔记:Evelyn Bromet是美国纽约州立大学石溪分校著名的精神病学和预防医学教授。
Lubetkin's paper is published in the "American Journal of Preventive Medicine."
The study appears in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. [citation to come]
White people age 40 to 64 have "recently emerged as a new high-risk group for suicide," according to the study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
40岁到64岁的白人是最近新近出现自杀高风险的人口群,美国《Preventive Medicine》的一项研究表明。
Compliments can't be doping and criticism of speech can be used as a preventive medicine.
A study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine even found that the longer a man sits at a desk at work, the greater his chances are of being overweight.
A study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine even found that the longer a man sits at a desk at work, the greater his chances are of being overweight.