In Latin America, CCTs have also increased the use of preventive health services.
Comprehensive preventive health services are available for women aged 45 to 64 at three women health centres.
Train community workers so that they can play a role in preventive health care services.
They should also be combined with efforts to make it easier for adolescents to obtain any preventive or curative health services they might need from competent and empathetic health workers.
In many countries, 90% of the health budget goes to hospital-based services, with primary health care and preventive services left by the wayside.
CCT programs have increased the use of preventive health care services in Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua by between 8 and 33 percentage points.
在哥伦比亚、洪都拉斯、墨西哥、尼加拉瓜等国,有条件现金转移支付计划将预防医疗服务使用率提高了8 ~ 33个百分点。
Thee survey, part of the American medical Association's Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services program, also includes questions about medical history, health, school, safety and substance use.
In order to perfect health fundraising policies and enhance social fairness, it is imperative for us to attach importance to the delivery of basic medical services and preventive health care;
In Taiwan general manager Ming-Chun Tsai's speech, she wished that our MJ soldiers of preventive medicine will provide better health management services in 2009.
The department's Dental Service promotes oral health in the community through promotive and preventive oral health services.
The department's Dental Service promotes oral health in the community through promotive and preventive oral health services.