The game is updated with the time difference of the previous frame.
Select the Create from the previous frame option in the blank frame.
Calling this method causes all changes made to the previous frame to be discarded.
In these two frames, you continue building the dependency chain that started at frame 2 (by choosing Create from the previous frame).
In this case, we will simply determine the coordinates of a cell of pixels closest to the top of the captured image and that changed from the previous frame.
As for tracking, vectors between the last interested objects in previous frame and moving objects in current frame are established to follow the present interested objects.
If there was motion in the current frame, add a rainbow piece between the end of previous rainbow piece and the current motion position.
Each stack frame holds a pointer to the previous stack frame (called the back chain pointer), as well as a space for return addresses for when it calls other functions.
First we'll add a simple frame which is identical (except for the color) to the border we built in the previous example.
All that is left to do is to restore the previous stack frame and return.
The back chain pointer points to the back chain pointer of the previous stack frame.
The epilogue will be discussed in the analysis of the factorial code, but it basically just takes down the stack frame and returns to the previous function.
该段代码的尾声(epilogue)将在分析factorial 代码时再作讨论,但总的来说,它的作用是结束堆栈框架并返回到先前的函数。
The final item in the stack frame is a pointer to the previous stack frame, often called the back pointer.
堆栈帧中的最后一个条目是一个指向前一堆栈帧的指针,通常被称为后向指针(back pointer)。
A frame can inherit content from a previous or an earlier frame.
Each day the team review the work done the previous day and "ruthlessly shred" each frame.
The paper discusses how to regulate the amplitude of bending moment within beam end for frame structure, and presents revisal Suggestions for previous designs.
The new tracking positions that are generated will be blended with the previous tracking positions according to the frame number.
This is based on some longer time frame support or resistance, or on the test of a previous significant high or low.
Based on previous extinctions, only nine species would have been expected to die off in the same time frame had it not been for mankind's involvement.
The purpose of the presentations is to frame the issues in the readings that week, and relate these themes to previous sessions.
The initialization tables have statistics of a significant coefficient pass for a previous encoded frame or slice using scalable video coding.
Pops off the current local reference frame, frees all the local references, and returns a local reference in the previous local reference frame for the given result object.
Developes emergency repairing decision support system software frame of urban gas pipeline accident according to previous research results and the relevant models by the use of VB6.0.
根据前面得到的研究成果和相关模型,利用VB 6.0构建起了城市燃气管网事故应急抢修决策支持系统的软件框架。
The next solar maximum will occur in the 2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar cycle, no different than previous cycles throughout history.
下一次太阳风暴高峰会在2012- 2014年之间,并且它被预测为一次普通的太阳活动周期,和整个历史上的其它太阳周期没有任何不同。
On the basis of previous explicit algorithms realized by the authors, a new vectorial and explicit algorithm is proposed and developed for solid flow model under the frame of Eulerian description.
BIP-8 performs an even-parity check on the previous Synchronous Transport Signal level 1 (STS-1) frame.
BIP- 8执行以前的同步传输信号电平1 (STS - 1)帧的偶数奇偶校验。
BIP-8 performs an even-parity check on the previous Synchronous Transport Signal level 1 (STS-1) frame.
BIP- 8执行以前的同步传输信号电平1 (STS - 1)帧的偶数奇偶校验。