Accounting calculates total purchase price, based on the costs, discount level, tax rate, and shipping.
With the comparison of general price level, the Shanghai 's is 30% of US' s by currency exchange rate, whereas the Shanghai 's price is 1. 1-1. 5 times higher than US' s by PPPs accounting.
总体价格比较,以汇率计算上海药品价格为美国的30%;而以购买力平价计算上海药品价格约为美国的1.1 ~ 1.5倍。
With the comparison of general price level, the Shanghai 's is 30% of US' s by currency exchange rate, whereas the Shanghai 's price is 1. 1-1. 5 times higher than US' s by PPPs accounting.
总体价格比较,以汇率计算上海药品价格为美国的30%;而以购买力平价计算上海药品价格约为美国的1.1 ~ 1.5倍。