Yes all of the price terms are acceptable.
I can give you a definite answer on the price terms.
The cost of packing is subject to packing manners, transportation distance and price terms.
You might notice that the order is placed on CFR basis. Can I change the price terms into CIF?
I'll have to consult my home office before I can give you a definite answer on the price terms.
It's better for us to have a talk on price terms, because it is one of the key points in our dealings.
But a series of financial crises made it clear in credit market non-price terms of contract can also play an important role to the equilibrium of credit market as well as interest rate.
FCA, CPT and CIP are the three more important price terms in the international trade and the relationship among them is mainly shown in the differences of the costs that are undertaken by the seller.
These resorts remain unbeatable in terms of price.
The dimensions of the market collapse, in terms of turnover and price, were certainly not anticipated.
Similarly, the customer will get the best price as defined by the terms in the customer and base contracts.
Consequently they further lift the price of gold in terms of tomatoes and potatoes.
They are the price of one currency in terms of another and, like the price of anything, when exchange rates change, supply and demand changes.
A "price" is simply the terms of exchange, the ratio of the quantities of the two goods being traded.
Mostly, however, gold's price is expressed in terms of the dollar.
In terms of price mechanism, tax rebation policy is included.
The PRICE, in marketing terms, is the amount of value that has been placed on a product.
But NRG's management rebuffed the all-stock deal, and its shareholders, at first enthusiastic, got cold feet as NRG's rising share price made the terms less generous.
In terms of price mechanism, the amount of export rebates needs to be thought through before carried out.
Be aware, however, that creating additional clusters and cluster members comes with a price in terms of memory, CPU capacity, and other things, so you should not create a large number of them.
Be aware, however, that creating additional clusters and cluster members comes with a price in terms of memory, CPU capacity, and other things, so you should not create a large number of them.