Your health care needs are coordinated by a physician you select called a Primary Care Physician (PCP).
"If not, the patient should talk to his primary care physician about it," says Steve Ommen, who runs Mayo's Connected Care Program.
Crippling health care bills, long emergency-room waits and the inability to find a primary care physician just scratch the surface of the problems that patients face daily.
The U.S. takes the opposite approach by emphasizing the specialist rather than the primary care physician.
There she sees her primary care physician (PCP) and a consulting pharmacist.
Your "primary care physician" is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill last month.
My primary care physician, a woman I'll call Dr. Pearl, is right out of Grey's Anatomy.
Your primary care physician can give you basic guidelines for a healthy, low-calorie diet.
This program provides primary care physicians, physician assistants and nurses with an update on endocrine disorders.
The primary care physician ordered the sonogram in 51 boys (82%), and a general urologist ordered it in 11 boys (18%).
Early follow-up was defined as patient-reported visits with a primary care physician or cardiologist within 1 month after discharge.
INFORM YOUR DOCTOR Communicating with an employee's primary care physician can be one of the biggest challenges in running a successful program.
Those who think they might hae a sleep disorder are urged to discuss their problem with their primary care physician, who will issue a referral to a sleep specialist.
I think that the primary care physician is also at fault for not telling the family to get to the er sooner or advising the admitting hospital of her serious condition.
A specialist who performs a procedure in a 30-minute visit can be paid three times more than a primary care physician using that same 30 minutes to discuss a patient's disease.
If you have tried various treatments with your primary care physician and are still not making much improvement, then you should ask for a referral or seek out a sleep specialist.
In Norway, poor physician distribution between urban and rural areas has been persistent, particularly in the north, where in 1997 a total of 28% of the primary care physician positions were vacant.
Diagnosis is primarily through an evaluation by the primary care physician, who can assess how likely the patient is to have a problem by feeling the pulses in the neck arteries or in the legs.
Obtain a thorough medical evaluation by a surgeon qualified in laparoscopic colon resection in consultation with your primary care physician to find out if the technique is appropriate for you.
One of the trends that isn't likely to change significantly much is the fact that most people talk to their primary care doctor or family physician about a mental health problem first.
“The response has been good,” said Dr. Archana Khade, a physician at the primary health care center in the village of Kahner.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, check in with your primary-care physician.
In fact, according to mental-health professionals, the majority of depressed people who seek professional help turn first not to a psychologist but to their primary-care physician.
Your primary-care physician or other health-care professional, clergy, friends and family members can make recommendations.
Your primary-care physician or other health-care professional, clergy, friends and family members can make recommendations.