In traditional Web application development, server response time is the primary focus for performance analysis.
Lag time: the time the secondary server requires to confirm communication from the primary server.
If the primary server is unavailable, but the client still has network connectivity, you want to fail over to a secondary server as opposed to using system time.
At the same time, the primary server will not proceed on to the next log flush until it receives notification that the standby has written the log.
This time, log in by using the Primary administrative user name (Server user ID) that you entered previously in the WebSphere Application Server configuration section.
It will only trigger on accounts that server is the primary node for, so that multiple account servers aren't all trying to do the same work at the same time.
Practical measurements result shows that secondary time server are better than primary ones from the perspectives of network delay.
Practical measurements result shows that secondary time server are better than primary ones from the perspectives of network delay.