The Prime Power Unit (PPU) is an air- and highway-transportable, trailer-mounted 1.3MW (megawatt) Generator Set, a key component of the Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) system.
主动力单元(PPU)是一种可搭载空中和公路运输,拖车式1.3MW (兆瓦)发电机组,这也是终端高空防御系统(THAAD)的关键组成部分。
The Prime Power Unit (PPU) is an air- and highway-transportable, trailer-mounted 1.3MW (megawatt) Generator Set, a key component of the Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) system.
主动力单元(PPU)是一种可搭载空中和公路运输,拖车式1.3MW (兆瓦)发电机组,这也是终端高空防御系统(THAAD)的关键组成部分。