Males May Be More Susceptible to Priming Effect Than Females, Researcher says.
The negative priming effect and its mechanism have been a hot topic in cognitive psychology.
"It could be that males are more susceptible to the priming effect than are females," Temple said.
Transparent PU primer, excellect priming effect, dry quickly. Suitable for production line and hand work.
The priming effect of nitrogen fertilizer on soil nitrogen was studied by using waterlogged incubation method.
应用淹水培养方法 ,研究了铵态氮肥对土壤氮素的激发效应。
The study examined negative priming effect in a numerical Piaget-like task with a sample of 9-year-old children.
The results suggested that the activation state of distractors is a critical factor to the nature of priming effect.
Objective to analyze the time course of affective priming and explore the automatic process of affective priming effect.
Whereas the distractor inhibitory mechanism referred by negative priming effect was a mechanism with general effectiveness.
In recent years, negative priming effect and its mechanism have been an important topic in the field of cognitive psychology.
The priming effect can be divided into assimilation and contrast effect, according to its influence direction on succedent judgements.
Therefor, this research will discuss if the categorical relation of prime and target can bring the priming effect in person recognition.
It can 't explain the reduction of the priming effect, when distractible stimulation is put between priming stimulation and target stimulation.
The priming effect in temporal order perception is a phenomenon in which a primed stimulus was judged as appearing before an unprimed stimulus.
The research of this paper tries using emotion priming effect of soaring literary figure to explore whether or not it will influence the mans memory.
Some findings were made in the process when we use the method of task dissociation to research the priming effect of familiar brands and unfamiliar brands.
And a new question was raised when studying the SSA: whether the priming effect is generated by practiced masked stimuli instead of unpracticed masked stimuli?
General-purpose PVC primer. Special for transparent PVC sole, heel and air cushion. Excellent priming effect, can keep the original shining colour of material.
The internal mechanism of implicit problem solving is the priming effect based on the unconscious activation to the increasing internal information and external cues.
In the current work, the picture naming paradigm was used to investigate the repetition priming effect of the Chinese-English coordinate bilinguals language processing.
The results suggest that naming picture in the same language(within-language)gained more repetition priming effect than that in the different language(between-language).
Our experiments shows that: 1. we can observe priming effect for impossible objects in the conceptual implicit memory task, it's the result of both conceptual and perceptual processing.
The results suggested: (1) the exemplar-activation effect exists in both strong and weak priming conditions, and takes the forms of assimilation effect.
OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of 6% hydroxyethyl starch(HES) and 4% succinylated gelatin(GEL) for priming on lung function in the operation with extracorporeal circulation.
The study explored the inversion effect upon the mechanism of cognition by comparing the identical stimuli in different characteristic encodings under different contextual priming conditions.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the the effect of different priming methods on the cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) quality change and perioperative recovery.
The result of experimentation showed that the effect of hydro-priming on triploid watermelon seed vigor and seeding growth significantly lower than towel priming and perlite priming.
Objective To study the effect of the priming principle and the timing principle on the onset time of cisatracurium.
Second, the effect of prime distractor interference and probe distractor interference on negative priming were examined, to see whether negative priming is contingent on distractor interference.
Second, the effect of prime distractor interference and probe distractor interference on negative priming were examined, to see whether negative priming is contingent on distractor interference.