Note: the Principal Account Holder must be the person signing the Client Verification Form.
Each account represents a principal and a list of the groups to which the principal belongs.
The UsernamePasswordToken class implements the AuthenticationToken interface, which provides a way to get credentials and the user's principal (the account identity).
UsernamePasswordToken类实现了 AuthenticationToken接口,它提供了一种获得凭证和用户的主体(帐户身份)的方式。
You can also set up local account to Kerberos V5 account mappings, which is necessary to inform the operating system how to authorize a specific security principal.
还可以为KerberosV 5帐户映射建立本地帐户,这对告知操作系统如何对特定的安全主体进行授权非常必要。
When the distinction does not matter, the account is referred to more generically as a principal, hence the -p option in the setmqaut command.
Registry service maintains a database of all the principal, group and account information for a cell.
Kids should be able to reduce the principal amount at any time by making an extra payment (or a larger-than-usual payment) into the loan account.
For remote applications using a client channel connection, the principal is the account in the channel's MCAUSER attribute.
For a local bindings mode connection, the principal is the account associated with the process that is connecting to the queue manager.
When this format is used, Windows will correctly resolve the principal in the desired domain, even when an account with the same name resolves in multiple locations.
A principal is a unique entity such as the name of an individual or group, an account number, a social security number, or similar unique identifier.
A maximum of 3 supplementary CARDS are permitted per principal card account.
We begin with an account of Regress Argument, then outline in more detail the nature of foundationalism and principal criticisms of the theory.
The formula of Terzaghi ultimate bearing capacity of foundation based on Mohr-Coulomb strength theory does not take the influence of intermediate principal stress into account.
In case the asset in this Account is not enough for repayment of due principal and interest, the Lender shall be entitled to collect from any Account opened by the Borrower with any branch of ICBC.
If the virtual account fails to register the Service Principal Name (SPN), register the SPN manually.
Have opened personal settlement account in ICBC and agree that bank can deduct the principal and interest of loan from the specified personal settlement account.
You will participate in an email negotiation as either an account manager for a toiletries firm and or as his principal supplier.
The principal called Jim to account for Jim left school early without permission.
The authentication module of DSPS maps the user's identity to user account in untrusted DBMS through principal mapping.
Also an exact inventory of her personal wardrobe, and some account of her principal relations and friends.
The principal called Tom to account after Tom left school early without permission.
The Principal shall not be entitled to retain or defer payment of any sums due to the Company on account of any dispute, cross claim or set off which it may allege against the Company.
Returns a collection of authentication principal objects that have an account lockout time recorded in the specified date and time range.
Returns a collection of authentication principal objects that have an account expiration time recorded in the specified date and time range.
Transactions made by the Principal and Supplementary Cardholders of the same Applicable Credit Card account will be counted collectively.
Eligible Transactions made by the Principal and Supplementary Cardholders of the same Applicable Credit Card Account will be counted collectively.
Eligible Transactions made by the Principal and Supplementary Cardholders of the same Applicable Credit Card Account will be counted collectively.