Overdue loan repayment schedule is not party or over the contract period the graded principal repayment of loans planned behavior.
Within the borrowing time limit, the borrower may, according to the methods of repayment provided by the lender, repay the principal and interests of the loan by installment or by lump sum in full.
Following each repayment of principal under the Loan Agreement, our liability hereunder shall be reduced accordingly.
If the last repayment day of loan principal is not within interest payment day, the borrower shall pay up all the interest payable on the last repayment day of loan principal.
Distressed loan: loan on which repayment of interest and principal has been severely delayed or completely suspended.
Where F is the future total repayment value of the loan (principal plus total accumulated interest)and P, R, and T are the same as noted for simple interest.
Where F is the future total repayment value of the loan (principal plus total accumulated interest)and P, R, and T are the same as noted for simple interest.