The second principle of a modularity framework is closely related to abstraction.
Loose coupling together with the "service Abstraction" principle and the "service Reusability" principle are central enablers of composable services.
You can describe the same principle from several angles and at different levels of abstraction depending on the Dreyfus level of your intended audience.
The first principle of a modularity framework is to attempt to try to focus on one logical piece of functionality at a time, also known as abstraction.
Roughly stated, you are following the Liskov Substitution Principle if you can use any implementation of an abstraction in any place that accepts that abstraction.
The Nothing which the Buddhists make the universal principle, as well as the final aim and goal of everything, is the same abstraction.
In this paper, the principle to implement the FPGA Waveform Portability and the definition of the hardware abstraction layer for FPGA in SCA is introduced.
In this paper, the principle to implement the FPGA Waveform Portability and the definition of the hardware abstraction layer for FPGA in SCA is introduced.