The new employer shall recognize the prior period of service of those workers to be retained.
Second-quarter sales almost doubled to $9.9 billion, from $5.1 billion in the prior period, Vale said.
Prediction of the onset of 1998 'SCSSM based on SST during the prior period in SCS is consistent with the fact.
Market analysis is one of important works in the prior period of project, but has not been paid much attention yet.
One method adjusts budget allowances of prior periods for changes that are expected to occur during the new budget period.
Rotation is likely to return to a 24 hour day, or close to this, and the Earth's orbit close to her prior period of 365 days in a year.
The synthetic materials produced by photosynthesis to the flowering-beginning prior period of summer soybean is not significantly contributive to yield.
In starter-making and prior period of fermentation, without heat energy provided by outside environment, enzymes in cells hardly activate and microbes rarely breed.
There is also evidence for a prior period of dysautonomia, which is in keeping with a protracted neurodegenerative process occurring within the brainstem of these patients.
Prior to the two-phase commit process, all work performed during the transaction is said to be in-flight, and failure during this period will lead to a rollback of work.
One of the reasons the site is so valuable to scientists is that it opens a window on the natural world just prior to a period of great, and puzzling, change.
Some 59 percent of women between the ages of 35 and 55 won't get much sleep in the 4 - to 8-year period prior to menopause that's generally referred to as perimenopause.
For example, if you select 2 months, the time period will be the 60 days (24-hour time periods) immediately prior to the point in time that you click Finish.
Net operating revenue was $2 billion in the latest period, an increase of 23% over the prior year, according to the company.
Gross margin was 28.7%, compared to 35.5% in the prior year period.
In prior wars, combat units served at the front of combat for a set period of time before being rotated to the rear to rest and refit, and support units were mostly kept in the rear area.
She also proclaimed a forty day period of time of sorrow each year prior to the anniversary of the death of Tammuz.
Germany's exports dropped 10.6% in November 2008, compared to the same period the prior year — the highest one-month drop since 1990.
The study's final analysis was based on 106 women who developed dementia during the WHIMS follow-up period - 22 of whom reported prior HRT use and 84 with no HRT history before age 65 years.
A priming paint usually supplied as two separate components which require to be mixed immediately prior to use and thereafter is usable for a limited period only.
Prior to boom period, usually there is a period of low interest rates, which is the precondition for the economy to cycle to boom.
The shipowner shall not establish any mortgage of the ship during the bareboat charter period without the prior consent in writing by the charterer.
Often, infants who fed poorly prior to surgery have more energy after the recuperation period, and begin to eat better and gain weight faster.
Being necessary, we will in so far as is possible provide you with a reasonable period of notice prior to the suspension.
For a fair value hedging of interest rate risk portfolio, the amortization shall be finished prior to the date of end of the relevant re-pricing period.
The meaning prior to Hellenistic period is uncertain.
In fact, the filmmaker could not always keep objective ideas absolutely like we always imagined in prior designing, fieldwork, shooting period, and post-editing.
Runners have always tapered-that is, they have always decreased training for a period prior to big RACES with the hope and expectation of boosting race performance.
Runners have always tapered-that is, they have always decreased training for a period prior to big RACES with the hope and expectation of boosting race performance.