The report mentions favorably “Earth Hour,” a project by the World Wildlife Fund, and praises the work of another private organization, the Energy Foundation.
The report mentions favorably "Earth Hour," a project by the World Wildlife Fund, and praises the work of another private organization, the Energy Foundation.
Bill Gates, of course, has a lot more than that, but a lot of Americans don't feel they deserve a private jet, a private charitable foundation, or an invitation to Davos and they may not even want it.
The foundation, a private nonprofit organization that works to preserve Mozart's legacy, was founded in 1880 by Salzburg residents and made the skull available for the DNA tests.
A private Swiss foundation launched a worldwide poll in January to choose the new top seven wonders from 21 sites.A jury short-listed the 21 from the original 77 selected by the foundation.
It is administered by the X Prize Foundation, which handed out $10 million in 2004 to the first private team to build a spacecraft that could carry people 60 miles above the Earth’s surface.
The biggest savings bank there, Erste bank, has opened itself to private capital, floating 64.5% of its shares; its own foundation retains a blocking 30.5%.
奥地利最大的储蓄银行Erste Bank,已经许可私人资本进入,并且上浮到64.5%的股份;而它本身则维持在30.5%。
In creating a private cloud, it is important to have a strong foundation to build upon.
Family doctors have been private operators since the foundation of the NHS in 1948.
"The most impressive thing they will observe is freedom," said Lin Chong-pin, President of the Foundation on International and Cross-Strait Studies, a private group based in Taipei.
Two years ago, Mr. Gates and his wife Melinda decided to use some of their money to create a private foundation in Seattle, Washington.
The three types of security: authentication, encryption and encapsulation, forms the foundation of virtual private networking.
The Jewish Foundation for Education of women is a private organization that provides scholarships to women of all backgrounds and ages who are in need of financial aid.
Setting up virtual private network for business enterprise provides a low cost network foundation, increases enterprise network function and enlarges its private scope.
Private Ownership is the foundation of venture capital system.
It summarizes the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of private benefits of control and presents the existing research outcomes, which lays a foundation for the following chapters.
Canada's largest private charity for vision research, the Foundation Fighting Blindness, is partnering with the Canadian Institutes of Health research to fund the program.
During implementing the antitrust law, judicial process may be abused. Although the private enforcement has rational theoretical foundation and is also favorable to social justice.
His works are found in the collections of the Centre for Visual Art Dortdrecht, Sign Foundation, the Netherlands, and several private collections.
The foundation of narrow exploitation is private ownership of production materials, while wide exploitation is based on right and power.
Since then, he has been leading a private foundation active on a number of world issues.
That is, it is inappropriate to the occasion and departs from scientific foundation for private high education institutions to continue to carry out the closed management of student life uncritically.
The second part has analyzed the intellectual property rights converges the private power the law philosophy foundation.
BOT is a way by which private capital participates in the foundation facilities construction.
The necessity and grounds of the differentiation between public law and private law is the starting point and foundation of this theme.
It is the oldest museum of its kind in the world and it is exclusively funded by the private Father and Son Eiselen-Foundation.
Beijing DJ photo studio is Beijing foundation cultural center by a group of high-end private custom personality photo photography organization.
Beijing DJ photo studio is Beijing foundation cultural center by a group of high-end private custom personality photo photography organization.