Since at current prices consumption rose by 16% and disposable income by 13%, there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving in the private sector of the economy.
Rwanda now needs a vigorous private sector to keep the economy moving in the right direction, especially if the country is to meet its lofty goal of becoming east Africa's service hub.
These are neither old-fashioned nationalised companies, designed to manage chunks of the economy, nor classic private-sector firms that sink or swim according to their own strength.
Investors guess that the outcome will be a still weaker economy, given the enfeebled state of the private sector.
The non-oil part of the economy makes up just 4% of the private sector.
非石油型经济只占私营产业总额的4% 。
Since the employment bottom in February of 2010, the economy has added 1.8m jobs and the private sector has added 2.1m.
The economy added 216, 000 jobs last month and marked the 13th straight month of private-sector job gains — but the growth is still weak.
The ailing health of Venezuela's economy, and of Mr Chávez, has caused Mr Ortega to look for allies in the private sector.
The private sector now makes up 60% of the Chinese economy.
I believe a thriving private sector is the lifeblood of our economy.
Data in the six weeks since the Fed's last policy meeting paint a picture of an improving U. S. economy with rebounds in retail sales, manufacturing activity and private-sector hiring.
We will work closely with the private sector to ensure early recovery of the economy.
Section three: Analysis the background of the development of private sector economy.
This occurred precisely to cushion the economy from the effects of debt-shedding in the private sector, and to wrench the u.
There is no aspiration of any kind to change the private-sector basis of our economy.
The shift toward careers in public service has had to do, in large part, with the hard facts of a bad economy and a private sector that hasn't been hiring.
First, rethinking the role of the state and the private sector to encourage increased competition in the economy.
First, rethinking the role of the state and the private sector to encourage increased competition in the economy.